Utah teapot, XTerm and Tektronix 4014
Some experiments with xterm's Tektronix capabilities

See also a big screenshot as posted on LOR
- aitest.tek
- dmerc.tek
- fotest.tek
- imtest.tek
- imtesth.tek
- ocpred.tek
- teacup
- teapot
- teapot.tek ← just
it into xterm - teapot.uue
- teaspoon
- tekpot.c (prettyprinted)
- http://www.sjbaker.org/teapot/teaset.tgz
- http://invisible-island.net/vttest/vttest.html
- http://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.html
- http://phk.freebsd.dk/misc/tek4014.c
- Tek 4014 Storage Tube Terminal Stuff
Please note
The algorithm, used for generation of Bezier-surfaces, is totaly wrong! It needs to be rewritten some day, may be.